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Workshops for Administration and Staff

The workshops below are designed for administration and staff. While they are not the same as the core educational mission, it is essential that the school's operational and institutional advancement work are consistent with the school's mission and vision for education.



A Model for Integrated Institutional Advancement (4 Sessions)

(PR, Development, Marketing, Admissions) 

Do you find yourself with a small, hard-working advancement team that is always faced with needing to accomplish too much with too few resources? Or are you a well-staffed school wondering how to help your marketing, development, admissions, and public relations officers be more efficient, less redundant, and better at speaking a common, mission-aligned language? Either way, this one-day workshop will provide a framework for aligning your advancement efforts with your mission, centering your school's growth in the existing strengths, and understanding the relationship between your mission and the various faces of institutional advancement.



From Mission to Marketing (8 Sessions)

Can't get your mission to fit on a bumper sticker? Making the transition from mission to marketing is a challenge for many classical schools. This two-day workshop provides a thorough program for how to use public relations, admissions, marketing, development, and related institutional advancement strategies to connect your mission with the needs of current and prospective parents, friends of the school, and donors. Attendees will be presented with clear methods for understanding your current community, expanding your networks, matching parents’ deepest desires for their children’s education with your own mission, and tailoring your messaging to suit each of your micro-communities. The sessions focus on remaining true to your core mission while creating effective messaging for general marketing, targeted marketing, inquiries, and one-on-one conversations. The two-day sessions include a directed practicum that will get your team a head start in the actual development of a marketing plan.



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